23 True Things

September 26 – October 9, 2016

Lee Asahina, Aaron Bjork, Andrew Campbell, Talon Claybrook, Chelsea Couch, Mandy Hampton, Leah Howell, Laura Hughes, Sumer Khan, Ron Linn, Daniel Miller, Stephen Milner, Neal Moignard, Joe Moore, Mary Morgan, Stephanie Parnes, Aja Segapeli, Kayla Thompson, Jennifer Vaughn, Meril Wallace, Esther Weng, Natalie Wood, Alexander Wurts

23 True Things was collection of work by current MFA students at the University of Oregon featuring an array of disciplines, investigations and opinions based on navigations of details and subsequent actions. Viewers were invited to examine the work and discover truths or falsehoods for themselves. Work was displayed in the UO Hayden Gallery in Eugene.

Mallard Ducks are omnivores.
Jupiter has 67 moons.
There are 836 miles of bookshelves at the Library of Congress.
Lefty-loosy, Righty-tighty (most of the time).
Swiss Chard is an excellent source of Vitamin K.

These are only a few true things in a world full of truths, half-truths, non-truths, white lies, fiction and outright deceit. We navigate these details each day reacting, remembering, regretting, re-examining, and responding (although you are not limited to only verbs that start with the letters “re”). These details and these actions eventually lead to new details and new actions, which is how we have found ourselves here at this moment in time.