Spring Storm Exhibitions

2024 Spring Storm

Spring Storm is the School of Art + Design's annual end-of-year exhibition and celebrates the culminating work of senior students completing degrees in Art, Art & Technology, and Product Design. Engaging a broad range of art and design practices, the work reflects the pluralism of contemporary culture and the dynamism of their curiosity and engagement.

Spring Storm marks a pivotal moment for graduating seniors, celebrating their college experience and launching them into a lifetime of creative thinking and innovative action.

Visit the Spring Storm website

2023 Spring Storm

The School of Art + Design’s annual end-of-year exhibition, Spring Storm, celebrates the culminating work by senior students completing degrees in Art, Art & Technology, and Product Design. Engaging a broad range of art and design practices, the work reflects the pluralism of contemporary culture and the dynamism of their curiosity and engagement.

Spring Storm marks a pivotal moment for graduating seniors, celebrating their college experience and launching them into a lifetime of creative thinking and innovative action.

Visit the Spring Storm website

2022 Spring Storm

The School of Art + Design’s annual end-of-year exhibition, Spring Storm, celebrates the culminating work by senior students completing degrees in Art, Art & Technology, and Product Design. Engaging a broad range of art and design practices, the work reflects the pluralism of contemporary culture and the dynamism of their curiosity and engagement.

Spring Storm marks a pivotal moment for graduating seniors, celebrating their college experience and launching them into lifetime of creative thinking and innovative action.

Visit the Spring Storm website