Point and line, 99 x 195 inches, 2016, etchings on rag paper. Photo: Jonathan Bagby.

And Others, 60 x 81 x 24 inches, 2015, LEDs, resistors, programmed board, Plexiglas, wire, aluminum

Territory, 80 x 25 inches, 2016. Permanent installation–Schneider Museum. Dirt, rock, native plants.

Points of Departure (excerpt), 2017: #28, Topkapi Scroll, 4 x 48 x 72 inches, steel, colors orange, red, white and gold; The Names, 28 x 480 inches, polyester film

Blink, 14 x 3 x 216 inches, 2016, LEDs, resistors, brass, wire, electronic panel