BioNumeric Organisms 2.0, Handwoven Jacquard cotton, 36 x 24 inches, 2021
This textile was designed and woven using a specialized adaptation of Nils Aall Barricelli’s BioNumeric Organism program written in the 1950s. The adaptation was developed to use the original algorithms to output weavable structures and patterns for a digital Jacquard loom

BioNumeric Organisms, Handwoven Jacquard cotton, 24 x 36 inches, 2021
This textile was designed and woven using a specialized adaptation of Nils Aall Barricelli’s BioNumeric Organism program written in the 1950s. The adaptation was developed to use the original algorithms to output weavable structures and patterns for a digital Jacquard loom

Cumulative Shadow, installation view, 2021
This solo exhibition of digitally designed and woven textiles was presented at Holding Contemporary in Portland, OR in the summer of 2021

10 Failed Circles, Handwoven Jacquard cotton, 26 x 26 inches each, 2021
This body of work takes advantage of aspect ratio conundrums inherent to the translation of digital imagery into physical cloth. Aspect ratio, which is a term most often associated with film and video, has its historical origins in woven cloth, where the thickness and thinness of thread alters and warps the regularity of a woven image, such as in a pictorial tapestry.

10 Failed Circles, Handwoven Jacquard cotton, 52 x 34 inches, 2021
This textile was woven using a simple drawing program designed by the artist while in residency at the Crow's Shadow Institute for the Arts in Pendleton, OR. The software is inspired a historic computer graphics issue, in which programmers have attempted to mimic the naturally occurring phenomenon of overlapping shadows from multiple light sources generating progressively darker shadows.