Department of Product Design Faculty

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John Arndt

Professor, Product Design
Product Design
Phone: 541-346-1724
Office: College of Design Millrace Woodshop Room 101

Wonhee Arndt

Associate Professor
Department Head, Product Design; Tim and Mary Boyle Chair in Material Studies and Product Design
Product Design
Phone: 541-346-8108
Office: 251E Lawrence Hall

Tom Bonamici

Assistant Professor
Product Design
Phone: 503-412-3696
Office: PINV 327

Trygve Faste

Associate Professor, Product Design
Product Design
Phone: 541-346-4377
Office: 102 Millrace 4

Carly Mick

Director of Sports Product Design
Associate Professor
Product Design
Office: PINV 331

Kiersten Muenchinger

Professor, Product Design
Product Design
Phone: 541-346-6891
Office: 243 Lawrence Hall

Erdem Selek

Associate Professor, Product Design
Product Design
Phone: 541-346-6697
Office: 477 Lawrence Hall

Hale Selek

Associate Professor, Product Design
Product Design
Office: 477 Lawrence Hall

Susan Sokolowski

Professor, Product Design
Product Design
Phone: 503-412-3736
Office: 70 NW Couch Street