Apply for a BA or a BS in Art & Technology

How To Apply

We offer a rolling admission deadline to the Art & Technology undergraduate major. New incoming students and continuing UO students may apply at any time by following the link below and submitting their online application. Complete applications are reviewed on a monthly basis during the academic year. It typically takes about four to six weeks from submission before applicants will receive the decision.

As an incoming freshman or transfer student, to apply to be an Art & Technology major you must submit both the University of Oregon admission application to be admitted to the university and the Art & Technology major application

Application Requirements

  1. Statement of Interest: Please write a brief statement explaining your interest in the Art & Technology program.
    • What are your aesthetic and creative interests?
    • Which artists do you admire and why?
    • Why are you choosing your medium or technology as your tool for expression?
    • Give us a sense of who you are.
  2. Electronic Portfolio:
    • Include 10 pieces that represent your work.
    • Please label each piece with your name, media, and date the work was created. Upload only one PDF document containing your 10 images.
    • Additional uploads can be used to include video or other multimedia files as examples of your work. This step is optional. Applicants are not required to submit more than the 10-piece portfolio.
  3. References or Letter of Recommendation:
    • Submit names and email addresses of at least one but no more than two references.
    • Recommenders will automatically receive an email inviting them to complete the reference requirement.
    • If you have a hard copy recommendation letter (optional), you can upload it instead of using the references section.

You can expect to be notified of the Department of Art's admission decision four to six weeks after submitting the departmental application.

To be eligible for priority registration for the upcoming term, your application must be received at least six weeks prior to the initial registration for the upcoming term. See the Academic Dates & Deadlines by Term/Semester for registration information.

Please visit the Art office at 254 Lawrence Hall, or contact us if you have any questions.